Monday 17 December 2012

Holiday project- due Tuesday 8th January

You need to find a sports person that has taken performance enhancing drugs.
Produce a poster case-study about this sports person. You need to include:
1.What PED they took and the effect of the PED on the persons body
2.What benefits would the sports person gain from the PED
3.What side effects and health risks associated with PED
4.How has the use of the PED effected the sports persons career and the sport in general.
Minimum A4!
Bring in on Tuesday 8th January!

drug trial article- rad & summarise

Thursday 22 November 2012

Homework 23/11/12 due 6/12/12

Your homework for this week is about the artificial control of fertility-you were given a sheet in the lesson to do this. It is about the moral & ethical issues about IVF.

If you lose your sheet the instructions are below in red.

Due date Thursday 6th December P3!

What to do with the rest?
During IVF, numerous egg cells from the woman are fertilised by sperm cells from the man. This is to increase the chances of obtaining viable embryos that can be implanted into the woman’s uterus. However, there might be more viable embryos than are needed, and so some are not implanted and are left over.
In this activity you will encounter some of the opinions regarding the use of these embryos.
Read the following points of view – then write down your own point of view.
Roman Catholic priest: “I believe that life starts at fertilisation and that all life is sacred. These embryos have rights and these are just as important as a baby that has been born. I don’t think that IVF should be allowed at all.”
A pregnant mother: “IVF has given me the chance to have a child when it looked impossible. I’d like to keep those spare embryos in case I want another child in the future. If I don’t use them, I’m happy for them to be donated to other couples who would like a child.”
Scientist: “We have such an opportunity to use these embryos for work in human cloning and stem cell research. They’re not ‘human’ yet – they are just a ball of cells. We should use them to research the prevention of disease and human suffering.”
Politician: “I am thoroughly against the use of spare IVF embryos for scientific research.  It’s a slippery slope to human cloning and selecting embryos for characteristics. Even though they can’t live on their own, they still have the potential to be a human life and that should be respected.”

Your opinions:

Choose the opinion you least agree with and imagine you have the opportunity to ask that person some questions. What would you ask? Do you have a point of view that you would want them to consider? What else would you like to say to them?

Homework overdue

1. rocks & building revision poster
2. bbc bitesize test (see below for link)
3. menstrual cycle questions from tuesday

Sunday 4 November 2012


Online resources

Also for homework, complete any online resources that I set for the 5th November. Come to see me if you forget your login.

Homework 5th November

BBC bitesize:
1. Look through the revision notes
2. Then do the quiz. Print out the quiz results to stick in your book. Try to print so the questions & answers are visible.

Produce a revision poster for the ‘Rocks & building’ unit. A3 maximum.

Due in Monday 19th November

Sunday 14 October 2012

Decomposition of limestone homework 15.10.12

Write down three ways limestone has been used in your house
Find a limestone building in Oxford
Produce a story board & describe what happens when limestone is heated during the thermal decomposition reaction.  You must refer to:
1. the word & symbol equation
2.Formation of quicklime
3.Reactants & products
Use the BBC bitesize website to help you if you get stuck

Wednesday 10 October 2012

Limestone homework 15th october due in Monday 22nd october

Periodic table homework

You need to produce a poster about your element from the periodic table.

You need to include:
  • The symbol & name
  • The atomic number & mass
  • The atomic structure
  • The electron arrangement
  • Uses of the element
Due in Monday 15th October

Monday 17 September 2012

homework from lesson Monday 17th September

HOMEWORK: deadline 1/10/12
You are a writer for a health magazine- you have received lots of letters from concerned parents about the MMR jab. You have to write an article presenting the information to parents so that they can make an informed decision whether to vaccinate their child.

No medicine is completely risk free. Very rarely, a child will react badly to a vaccine with tragic results. Making the decision to have your baby immunised can be very difficult.

Society needs as many people as possible to be immunised against as many diseases as possible. This keeps the pool of infection in the population very low. On the other hand, you know there is a remote chance that something may go wrong with a vaccination.
Because vaccines are so successful, we rarely see the terrible diseases they protect us against. A hundred years ago nearly 50% of all deaths of children & young people were caused by infectious diseases. The development of antibiotics & vaccines means that now only 0.5% of al

l deaths in the same age group are due to infectious disease. Parents today are often aware of the very small risks of vaccination-but sometimes forget about the terrible dangers of the diseases we vaccinate against.

If you are a parent it can be difficult to find unbiased advice to help you make a decision. The media highlight scare stories which make good headline. The pharmaceutical companies want to sell vaccines. Doctors & health visitors can weigh up all the information, but they have vaccination targets set by the government.

Tuesday 4 September 2012

Lesson 1 homework

Write a letter by Ignaz Semmelweiss to a friend explaining how he formed his ideas & the struggle to get them accepted.
Deadline: Monday 17th September


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I will post useful documents from the lesson, revision materials, homework & useful resources.